Herbert Walker Avenue Southampton, SO15 1AG United Kingdom
Check-in: 3:00 pm
Check-out: 11:00 am
Minimum check-in age: 18
Controlled access to parking
Parking at a charge 15 GBP
Parking for registered guests only
EV charging
2 spaces available
The charging points are located at the rear of the Hotel in the main hotel car park. The Hotel has 2 charging points and are operated on a first come first serve basis. The charging points are owned and managed by the Polaris Member Scheme
Accessible parking
Flat terrain between parking and entrance
Kerb ramps and wheelchair accessible street parking
Designated accessible parking spaces with posted signs
Disabled or accessible parking
Parking drop-off point adjacent to entrance
Local Shuttle
There is no Local Area Shuttle available at this hotel.
Airport shuttle
Southampton International Airport (SOU) Shuttle not available London Heathrow (LHR) Shuttle not available Bournemouth International Airport (BIA) Shuttle not available