Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If you are planning on travelling distance to attractions, we would recommend that you contact the venues directly in advance to avoid disappointment.

If you, or any of your party have a new persistant cough, or develop a fever of 38C, we would instead advise you to use the NHS's dedicated website for professional advice.

Eastleigh Lakeside Railway

Steam-hauled miniature passenger railway with 2 stations and a round trip of 1.25 miles takes 20 minutes. A visit can be made to the picnic sites, lakes or children's play area by alighting at Monks Brook Halt and returning on a later train. Single, return or 3 rides for2. Trains depart at approximately 15 minute intervals from 1030 until 1630 every Sat and Sun also daily during school holidays.

  • Currently: Partly cloudy, 9° C
  • Sunday: Low-level cloud, 15° C
  • Monday: Low-level cloud, 12° C